Clinical Epidemiology Unit
Director: Dr. Lorenzo Moja
Francesca Ruggiero, Ph.D.
Francesca Ruggiero is reasearcher coordinator at IRCCS Galeazzi Orthopedic Institute, Clinical Epidemiology Unit, and at the University of Milan, Department of Biomedical Sciences for Health. She has a previous experience as a journalist and editor. Her specialization is in the digitalization and innovation process for professional communication. In the last five years, she managed the activities of two research programmes funded by the Italian Ministry of Healt: the CODES project and the GRADE Dispute project. She coordinates the staff and all the partners involved in the conduction of two randomized controlled trials, randomizing over 20.000 patients between 2015 and 2016: at the Vimercate Hospital and at the IRCCS IRST Oncological Institute, in Meldola. She collaborated in the definition of the best practice for Italian hospitals towards the adoption of a computerized clinical decision support system evidence-based.
Liberati EG, Ruggiero F, Galuppo L, Gorli M, González-Lorenzo M, Maraldi M, Ruggieri P, Friz HP, Scaratti G, Kwag KH, Vespignani R, Moja L. What hinders the uptake of computerized decision support systems in hospitals? A qualitative study and framework for implementation.Implement Sci. 2017 Sep 15;12(1):113.
Moja L, Passardi A, Capobussi M, Banzi R, Ruggiero F, Kwag K, Liberati EG, Mangia M, Kunnamo I, Cinquini M, Vespignani R, Colamartini A, Di Iorio V, Massa I, González-Lorenzo M, Bertizzolo L, Nyberg P, Grimshaw J, Bonovas S, Nanni O. Implementing an evidence-based computerized decision support system linked to electronic health records to improve care for cancer patients: the ONCO-CODES study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. Implement Sci. 2016 Nov 25;11(1):153.
Moja L, Polo Friz H, Capobussi M, Kwag K, Banzi R, Ruggiero F, González-Lorenzo M, Liberati EG, Mangia M, Nyberg P, Kunnamo I, Cimminiello C, Vighi G, Grimshaw J, Bonovas S. Implementing an evidence-based computerized decision support system to improve patient care in a general hospital: the CODES study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. Implement Sci. 2016 Jul 7;11(1):89
Capobussi M, Banzi R, Moja L, Bonovas S, González-Lorenzo M, Liberati EG, Polo Friz H, Nanni O, Mangia M, Ruggiero F. [Computerized decision support systems: EBM at the bedside]. Recenti Prog Med. 2016 Nov;107(11):589-591.
Liberati EG, Galuppo L, Gorli M, Maraldi M, Ruggiero F, Capobussi M, Banzi R, Kwag K, Scaratti G, Nanni O, Ruggieri P, Polo Friz H, Cimminiello C, Bosio M, Mangia M, Moja L. Barriere e facilitatori all’implementazione dei sistemi di supporto decisionale computerizzati in ospedale: uno studio “grounded theory” [Barriers and facilitators to the implementation of computerized decision support systems in Italian hospitals: a grounded theory study]. Recenti Prog Med. 2015 Apr; 106(4):180-91.
Moja L, Kwag KH, Lytras T, Bertizzolo L, Brandt L, Pecoraro V, Rigon G, Vaona A, Ruggiero F, Mangia M, Iorio A, Kunnamo I, Bonovas S. Effectiveness of computerized decision support systems linked to electronic health records: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Am J Public Health. 2014 Dec;104(12):e12-22.
Moja L, Liberati EG, Galuppo L, Gorli M, Maraldi M, Nanni O, Rigon G, Ruggieri P, Ruggiero F, Scaratti G, Vaona A, Kwag KH. Barriers and facilitators to the uptake of computerized clinical decision support systems in specialty hospitals: protocol for a qualitative cross-sectional study. Implement Sci. 2014 Aug 28;9:105.
- Ruggiero, Ospedali, per la rivoluzione digitale non basta un software, in Sanità24, Il Sole 24 Ore, 9 ottobre 2017.
- Ruggiero, Sistemi di supporto computerizzati. Le linee guida personalizzate aiutano medici a decidere? Due trial made in Italy cercano di scoprirlo, in Quotidiano Sanità, 29 giugno 2016.
- Ruggiero, Farmaci essenziali, tra bolla dei prezzi ed equa accessibilità, in Sanità24, Il Sole 24 Ore, 3 maggio 2016.
- Ruggiero, Ospedali. Progetto Codes: software di supporto decisionale consentono più qualità ed efficienza delle cure, in Quotidiano Sanità, 9 aprile 2015.