February 2023

IRCCS Ospedale Galeazzi-Sant’Ambrogio will coordinate AMPROject on orthopedic infections. Read more…
July 2019

The Orthopaedic Biotechnology Laboratory, of the IRCCS Galeazzi Orthopaedic Institute, is a finalist in the 2019 RegMedNet Award for Cultivating Excellence.
Voting will be open until midnight on 31st July. Please help us to support our research!
April 2019

The Laboratory of Orhtopaedic applied Biotechnology, led by Dr. Laura de Girolamo, and the Laboratory of Biotechnological Applications, led by Prof. Anna Teresa Brini, actively participated at the 2019 annual meeting of GISM (Italian Mesenchymal Stem Cell Group), of which Dr. de Girolamo and Prof. Brini are founding members and currently part of the Board of Directors. Read more…
February 2019

Marta Gomarasca, researcher at the Laboratory of Experimental Biochemistry & Molecular Biology has won an 18-month grant “Bando Roche per la Ricerca 2018”, conferred by Fondazione Roche, with the independent research project proposal entitled: “Targeting di miRNA coinvolti nell’escape immunitario di metastasi ossee da carcinoma mammario mediante peptide nucleic acids (PNA)” (Peptide nucleic acids (PNA)-mediated targeting of miRNA involved in the immune escape of bone metastasis from breast cancer). Read more…
December 2018

The Laboratory of Experimental Biochemistry & Molecular Biology has received the 2018 grant from the “Cariplo Foundation” on “Age-related diseases” as a partner with University of Milano-Bicocca (PI Prof. Laura Cipolla, Dept. of Biotechnology & Bioscience) and University of Milano Read more…
December 2018

The Laboratory of Experimental Biochemistry & Giovanni Lombardi, director of the Laboratory of Experimental Biochemistry & Molecular Biology has got the title Associate Professor for Health Sciences at the Dept. of Physiology and Pharmacology of the Gdańsk University of Physical Education & Sport (Gdańsk, Poland).Read more…
November 2018

IRCCS Orthopedic Institute Galeazzi will coordinate a European research project on orthopedic and periodontal infections. The study, called “ANNAFIB,” will be coordinated by Dr. Arianna B. Lovati, a preclinical researcher at the IRCCS Orthopedic Institute Galeazzi. Read more…
October 2018

At the 10th Congress of the Società Italiana delle Scienze Motorie e Sportive (SISMES) held in Messina October 5th-7th, Dr. Jacopo Vitale, Director of the LaMSS – Laboratory of Movement and Sport Science at the IRCCS Orthopedic Institute Galeazzi was awarded the prize entitled “SISMES Young Researcher Award”. The jury evaluated the scientific productivity (over a three-year period 2016-2018) of young Italian researchers (under 40) for which Dr. Vitale was the best among all those in the ranking. Read More
July 2018

During the last Congress in Glasgow (May 2018), Laura de Girolamo, the Director of the Galeazzi Orthopaedic Biotechnology Laboratory received two awards from the European Society for Sports Traumatology, Knee Surgery and Arthroscopy (ESSKA) as the most valuable individual ESSKA member and as the chair of the most active ESSKA committee (Basic Science Committee). Read More
February 2018

Galeazzi’s Cell and Tissue Engineering Lab’s paper made the front cover of the Journal of Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine. Read more