Our Most Recent Publications
1. Fisher JN, Tessaro I, Bertocco T, Peretti GM, Mangiavini L. The Application of Stem
Cells from Different Tissues to Cartilage Repair. Stem Cells Int. 2017;2017:2761678.
doi: 10.1155/2017/2761678. Epub 2017 Dec 10. Review.
2. Marmotti A, Mattia S, Castoldi F, et al. Allogeneic Umbilical Cord-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells as a Potential Source for Cartilage and Bone Regeneration: An In Vitro Study. Stem Cells Int. 2017;2017:1732094. doi: 10.1155/2017/1732094.9
3. Peretti GM, Tessaro I, Montanari L, et al. Histological changes of the meniscus following an osteochondral lesion. J Biol Regul Homeost Agents. 2017 Oct-Dec,;31(4 suppl
1):129-134. PubMed PMID: 29187260.
4. Sosio C, Di Giancamillo A, Deponti D, et al. Osteochondral repair by a novel interconnecting collagen-hydroxyapatite substitute: a large-animal study. Tissue Eng Part A. 2015 Feb;21(3-4):704-15. doi: 10.1089/ten.TEA.2014.0129.
5. Di Giancamillo A, Deponti D, Addis A, Domeneghini C, Peretti GM. Meniscus maturation in the swine model: changes occurring along with anterior to posterior and medial to lateral aspect during growth. J Cell Mol Med. 2014 Oct;18(10):1964-74. doi: 10.1111/jcmm.12367. Epub 2014 Sep 12.
6. Di Giancamillo A, Mangiavini L, Tessaro I, Marmotti A, Scurati R, Peretti GM. The meniscus vascularization: the direct correlation with tissue composition for tissue engineering purposes. J Biol Regul Homeost Agents. 2016; 30(4 Suppl 1): 85-90.
7. Di Giancamillo A, Deponti D, Addis A, Domeneghini C, Peretti GM. Meniscus maturation in the swine model: changes occurring along with anterior to posterior and medial to lateral aspect during growth. J Cell Mol Med. 2014; 18(10): 1964-74.
8. Scotti C, Hirschmann MT, Antinolfi P, Martin I, Peretti GM. Meniscus repair and
regeneration: review on current methods and research potential. Eur Cell Mater. 2013; 26: 150-70.
9. Deponti D, Di Giancamillo A, Scotti C, Peretti GM, Martin I. Animal models for
meniscus repair and regeneration. J Tissue Eng Regen Med. 2015; 9(5): 512-27.
10. Scotti C, Pozzi A, Mangiavini L, et al. Healing of meniscal tissue by cellular fibrin
glue: an in vivo study. Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc. 2009; 17(6): 645-51.
11. Peretti GM, Tessaro I, Montanari L, et al. Histological changes of the meniscus
following an osteochondral lesion. J Biol Regul Homeost Agents. 2017; 31(4 Suppl 1): 129-134.
12. Gervaso F, Mangiavini L, Di Giancamillo A, et al. Comparison of three novel biphasic
scaffolds for one-stage treatment of osteochondral defects in a sheep model. J Biol Regul Homeost Agents. 2016; 30(4 Suppl 1): 24-31.8
13. Gobbi A, Scotti C, Karnatzikos G, Mudhigere A, Castro M, Peretti GM. One-step
surgery with multipotent stem cells and Hyaluronan-based scaffold for the treatment
of full-thickness chondral defects of the knee in patients older than 45 years. Knee
Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc. 2017; 25(8): 2494-2501.
14. De Girolamo L, Niada S, Arrigoni E, et al. Repair of osteochondral defects in the
minipig model by OPF hydrogel loaded with adipose-derived mesenchymal stem
cells. Regen Med. 2015; 10(2): 135-51.
15. Sosio C, Di Giancamillo A, Deponti D, et al. Osteochondral repair by a novel
interconnecting collagen-hydroxyapatite substitute: a large-animal study. Tissue Eng
Part A. 2015; 21(3-4): 704-15.
16. Deponti D, Di Giancamillo A, Gervaso F, et al. Collagen scaffold for cartilage tissue
engineering: the benefit of fibrin glue and the proper culture time in an infant cartilage
model. Tissue Eng Part A. 2014; 20(5-6): 1113-26.
17. Marmotti A, Bruzzone M, Bonasia DE, et al. Autologous cartilage fragments in a
composite scaffold for one stage osteochondral repair in a goat model. Eur Cell
Mater. 2013; 26: 15-31.
18. Gervaso F, Sannino A, Peretti GM. The biomaterialist's task: scaffold biomaterials and fabrication technologies. Joints. 2014; 1(3): 130-7.
19. Marmotti A, Bonasia DE, Bruzzone M, et al. Human cartilage fragments in a
composite scaffold for single-stage cartilage repair: an in vitro study of the chondrocyte migration and the influence of TGF-β1 and G-CSF. Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc. 2013; 21(8): 1819-33.
20. Marmotti A, Bruzzone M, Bonasia DE, et al. One-step osteochondral repair with cartilage fragments in a composite scaffold. Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc.
2012; 20(12): 2590-601.