Director: Dr. Fabio Galbusera

The Laboratory of the Mechanics of Biological Structures (LABS) at IOG is internationally recognized as a leading research lab in spine biomechanics. Our activities concern the study of the biomechanics of degenerative disorders of the spine, as well as spinal deformities, traumas and tumors, and their surgical treatment. Besides, we operate in several other research fields such as image processing, joint arthroplasty and musculoskeletal modeling. Our core competencies regard the development of numerical simulations for the investigation of orthopaedic research questions at different levels, i.e. from the biological tissue to the whole human body. In order to realistically simulate physiological activities, we exploit the Motion Analysis Facility to collect motion kinematic data to drive our numerical models. The laboratory works in close connection with the clinical departments, such as Spine Surgery I, II and III, G-Spine 4 and Radiology.