2.1) Odontostomatology Unit – Team – Brambilla, Eugenio

Odontostomatology Unit

Director: Dr. Luca Francetti

Eugenio Bramibilla


Eugenio Brambilla is currently Director of the Restorative and Endodontics Department, Dental section of the IRCCS Galeazzi Orthopedic Institute. He is also course director for Restorative Dentistry, graduation course in Dentistry and Dental Prosthetics, Faculty of Medicine and Surgery, University of Milan.

Born in Melzo (Mi), on May,14, 1962, he graduated as Doctor in Dental Surgery at the University of Milan in 1986. From 1989 to 2000 he was Clinical Instructor, then Assistant Professor at the Department of Medicine, Surgery and Dentistry S. Paolo, University of Milan. From 2000 he is Associate Professor.

He’s member in the Commission for the assessment of extra-CEE graduations. He has contributed to National research projects (CNR) for the study of disease factors involved in the dental caries prevention.

His research activity is mainly intended to define the biological interactions between dental restorative materials and the oral microbial flora, by developing bioreactors and growing oral biofilms in vitro. He has published more than 65 research papers on international, peer-reviewed journals. He is author or co-author of 8 books and translated to Italian 5 books. He presented more than 30 oral communications and more than 30 poster presentations at national and international meetings.